CTE Pathways
Title I Parent Information
The Freshman Academy is designed to allow students to explore the various academies and pathways offered through Lakota Tech.
Find career interests and determine future academy enrollment by examining careers and lifestyle goals.
Set life goals and plan a path to success with the assistance of supportive teachers.
Visit career sites, college campuses, and gain real-world experience that will prepare them to make career decisions effectively.
Freshman will gain academic knowledge through their core content courses. Each of these courses meets South Dakota state standards and the graduation requirements.
Environmental Science
Strategic Reading
Applied Mathematics
World History & Geography
Students at Lakota Tech will have access to their first technical, career-centered courses. These courses have been chosen specifically with career exploration in mind.
Career Exploration
Foundations of Technology
The ability to market yourself and behave professionally is key to landing, keeping, and growing a career. These courses have been chosen to support students in this area.