CTE Pathways
Title I Parent Information
The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Academy is a wide-ranging technical academy that allows students to explore how science and math connect with the many tech careers.
Develop key coding and computer skills necessary to draft and design innovative robotics and aviation technology.
Connect learning to life by utilizing knowledge of technology to solve the problems of the future.
Learn skills needed to repair, maintain, and build various electronic equipment, including computers, robotics tools, and drones.
Career Options for STEM Academy Graduates:
Engineer, Inventor, Coding, Cybersecurity, Pilot, Computer Scientist, and more!
All students in the STEM Academy will take foundational courses required to support the knowledge and skills taught in the career-specific pathways. These courses lay the foundation needed for successful completion of all STEM pathways.
Introduction to Technology Education
Introduction to Drafting and Design Electronics
Students in the aviation pathway will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with concepts of aerospace such as physics, aviation and engineering.
Introduction to Engineering
PLTW Aerospace Engineering
With an eye to the future, the robotics pathway allows students to understand the basic skills of engineering and computer programming necessary to develop the robots of tomorrow!
Introduction to Engineering
Engineering Design & Development
Computer Programming