CTE Pathways
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The Business Academy is for our students interested in finance, opening, or managing a business and will provide students with the skills and certifications necessary to do so.
Become an entrepreneur by creating business plans and marketing campaigns using virtual and global strategies!
Utilize robust business and financial tools, software, and practices used by professionals.
Experience in real-world business situations and apply innovative strategies to solve issues.
Career Options for Business Academy Graduates
Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Manager, Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Finance, and more!
All students in the Business Academy will take foundational courses required to support the knowledge and skills taught in the career-specific pathways.
Introduction to Business Accounting
Marketing Principals
Entrepreneurial Skills
Business Economics
Human Resources departments are needed to ensure the legality of business operations and policies. Through this pathway, students will learn the skills needed to support or manage companies small and large.
Business Law
Business Management
Administrative Support staff are in high need across the state. These courses will ensure students have the skills needed to effectively utilize a variety of industry recognized computer programs.
Business Computer Applications
Advance Business Computer Applications