Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 16 of the 2022 through 2023 school year will be a short week ushering in the winter break. Monday will be a regular day. Tuesday and Wednesday will be snow days, and no school Thursday and Friday for L.N.I. Please, make sure all family is safe and indoors this week. The weather looks like it will be wicked. We will send Feeding South Dakota Weekend Backpack food home tomorrow. Have a good night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 15 starts tomorrow, December fifth. It will be a regular week with full days Monday through Thursday and a half day on Friday. Parents and guardians, please be sure to get your students to bed early, ensure they get on the bus, and direct them to follow all rules on the bus and in school. Rules help keep everyone safe and provide the best environment for student achievement. Finally, The Ogle` Luta Owayawa Winter Program will be held on Wednesday, December 14 at 10:30AM. Come and enjoy some holiday music, a skit, and some good food. Have a great evening.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, November 28 starts week 15 of the 2022 through 2023 school year. Stay tuned for information on the Ogle’ Luta Owayawa Winter Program: Seven Songs and a Skit. Family members and friends will be able to join the students and staff for lunch and entertainment before the winter break. The Feeding South Dakota Mobile Food Pantry will be at Red Shirt School on Friday, December 2 from 12:30 to 1:30PM. Yes, this week ushers in December, so come on and see what good food the Feeding South Dakota group has. Finally, put your students to bed, let them get some good sleep, tell them to follow all school and bus rules for their safety and the safety of others, and make sure they get to school every day. One cannot learn without the protection of rules, and one definitely cannot learn if they are absent. Have a good night and stay tuned for weather and school information. Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 14 begins tomorrow, November 21, and will be a two-day week leading into the Thanksgiving Holiday. There will be a Social Dance on Tuesday, November 22 starting at 1:30PM. Students will be released immediately following the social dance. Please ensure all students get to bed early, attend school, and follow all the school and bus rules to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Have a great night!
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 13 of the 2022 through 2023 school-year will be a regular week. Monday through Thursday will be full days and Friday will be the regular early release. Please make sure your students get to sleep early, get to school, and follow all school rules. Those three things will ensure the ultimate academic success for your students, and will keep all safe and secure at school. Have a great evening.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday starts Week 12 of the 2022 through 23 school-year. There will be Dance Club practice Tuesday after school. Red Shirt School will be hosting a Veteran’s Coffee and Cookie event on Thursday to show appreciation for those in our communities that have served our nation in the military. It will start at 2:15PM, again, on Thursday, in the commons area. Students are encouraged to bring photos of family members who are veterans, and all veterans are invited to attend personally, of course. Finally, there are two things students must do if they are to get any advantages out of school: First, they must attend, and second, they must follow the rules. One can’t learn if one is not there, so the importance of attendance is self-evident. Rules ensure that students have an orderly environment for learning and are implemented to provide safety and security for everyone at the school. Students not following the rules are not only failing to learn, but they could also be jeopardizing their own safety and the safety of others. Have a great night and keep warm!
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. This will be far from a regular week. Monday through Wednesday will be full days. Thursday will have an early release for students so the staff can make the school spooky for the Halloween carnival. Buses will pick up students right around 4PM again on Thursday to take them to the carnival. Parents are encouraged to bring their students if possible. Friday will be the usual half day for students. Once again, please encourage your students to follow all rules at school and on the bus. Rules help to ensure safety for all students and staff. Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 10
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, October 17 starts Week 9 of the 2022 through 23 school year, and is the last week of the first quarter of this academic year. Report cards will come home with students on Friday, October 21. This will be a regular week with full days Monday through Thursday and a half day on Friday. There will be volleyball practice on Monday and Wednesday, Dance Club practice on Tuesday, and Hand Games practice on Thursday. Picture day will be November second, two weeks from this Wednesday. Finally, please make sure you get your children to school and that they know to follow all school rules. Students cannot learn if they are not in school, nor can they learn if they do not follow the rules. Rules are for the safety of all, and a safe environment is an optimal learning environment. Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Keep calm it's the end of the first quarter
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. We are in Week 8 of the 2022 through 2023 school year. It will be a 3 and a half day week with Tuesday through Thursday being full days and Friday being the usual half day of school. There will be volleyball practice on Tuesday and Wednesday and hand games practice on Thursday. Make sure your student participants get a permission slip and return it as soon as possible. We are nearing the end of the first quarter of the year. Please make sure to get your students to school, and that they follow the rules while in school or at school related activities. Children can’t learn if they are not in school and they cannot learn in an environment that has no rules. Rules are for the safety of all. Red Shirt School deserves having the safest students anywhere. Have a great night!
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, October 3 starts Week 7 of the 2022 through 2023 school-year. It will be a regular month with full days on Monday through Thursday and a half-day on Friday. Even though we do not have enough girls for a full volleyball team, there will be practice Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school. This will be for girls in grades 3 through 8 who want to improve their skills. Dance Club and Hand Games teams will practice on Tuesday after school. The Feeding South Dakota Mobile Food Pantry will be at Red Shirt School on Friday, Oct. 7 from 12:30PM to 1:30PM. They always have great stuff! October is a double blessed month since it is Bat Appreciation Month and National Principal Month. So, feed your bats and give your principal a present every day. Families, please encourage your students to follow all rules while on the bus, in school, or at any activity within the school district. The rules are for keeping all people safe and maximizing fun for everyone. Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 7
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 6 of the 2022 through 23 school year starts on Monday, September 26. The leaves are turning and the temperature is beginning to go down. This will be a regular week with full days Monday through Thursday and a half day for Friday. Make sure your students get to school every day. Please talk to them about following all school and bus rules for their safety. Remember, too, doors open at 8 am for all students and classes start no later than 8:30 AM. Breakfast is served from 8 AM to 8:30 AM. Have a great night!
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
week 6
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 5 of the 2022 through 23 school year sees the beginning of Autumn on Friday, September 23. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday will be regular days. Students will be released early on Wednesday for teacher preparation for Parent-teacher conferences. Conferences will start at 4PM and close at 7:30 PM. Friday will be the usual early release for teacher professional development. Please put the kids to bed early tonight and every school night, talk to them about being safe and following all school rules, and let them know the importance of doing the right thing all the time and every time. Have a great night.
almost 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 5
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, September 12 starts week 4 of the 2022 through 23 school year. It will be a regular week with full days Monday through Thursday and an early dismissal on Friday. In addition to the 21st anniversary of 9/11, Sunday also marks Grandparents Day, 2022. Thursday, Sept 15 will be a special honoring for grandparents. Come and meet your grandchildren’s teachers, enjoy a soup and fry bread dinner, and soak in the admiration and appreciation for all you do in our students’ lives. Finally, please remind your students that rules are to ensure safety for all people in the school. When students follow the rules in school, on the bus, and at all school activities, everyone can be safe and learn more than anyone believes. Have a great night!
about 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
week 4
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 3 of the 2022 through 23 school-year is already upon us. Monday, September 6 will be no school for Labor Day, the day on which we celebrate work by staying home. Tuesday through Thursday will be regular days, and Friday, September 9th will be a half day. Tuesday will be the first Dance Club practice. Sports activities will be starting soon, too. Contact James Mesteth or Colleen Good Shield for more information on scheduling physicals for your student athlete at 605-255-4224. Have a great Labor Day weekend! Stay safe, get some rest, and make sure your student or students get on the bus Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, August 29 starts Week 2 of the 2022 through 23 school-year. Monday through Thursday will be full days, Friday will be a half-day. That will be the regular week for the rest of the year. Volleyball will start on Monday. All participants must have permission for participation and sports physical documents on file. Prevent Child Injury week begins on September 1. Remember, all enrollment documents must be complete prior to your student or students attending school. Please make sure to have all documents complete, signed, and submitted to the school office. September 1st through the 7th is National Childhood Injury Prevention Week. OLCSD strives to keep all children safe from harm. Rules at school and on the bus are a large part of school safety. Children that cannot follow rules on buses or at school will lose privileges, even the privilege of riding the bus, to ensure their safety and the safety of their peers and school staff. Please make sure to speak with your students about following all school rules all the time. Thank you and have a good night.
about 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, August 22, 2022 begins Week 1 of the 2022 through 23 School year. Buses will arrive between 6:45 and 7:30 AM depending upon routes. Monday will be an early release at 1:00PM for the Open House from 4PM to 7:30PM. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30PM. Tuesday through Thursday will be regular days, and Friday will be a half-day according to the school calendar. Students must have a completed enrollment packet submitted to the school office prior to attendance. Please contact Colleen Good Shield-Ozuya or Mary Belt to obtain an enrollment packet or obtain transportation to the school for registration.​ Have a great night!!!
about 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, May 2 starts week 35 of the 2021 through 2022 school year. Even though the Covid risk level is green, tribal resolutions still require Covid protocols to continue until further notice. Early enrollment will take place this week and next. Please come in to get your students enrolled for the 2022 through 2023 school year. The more you do now, less you have to do later! Bus riders must follow all bus rules. Please talk to your children that ride the bus and remind them that the rules are for their safety. Finally, Cinco de Mayo is Thursday of this week. Bring the principal Mexican food to celebrate! Have a great night!
over 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 35
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, April 25 starts Week 34 of the 2021 through 2022 school year. It will be a regular week. All Covid protocols are still in effect. Please remind your students to follow all rules in school and on the buses. It keeps students, staff, families, and the community safe. It is time to start thinking about next year. Please get ready to come in for early enrollment next week. Getting all the paperwork done now will make it easier for students to get started when the 2022 through 2023 school year starts. We say goodbye to April at the end of this week. Let’s hope we get more moisture and less wind from now on. Be safe and have a great night.
over 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Goodbye April
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 33 of the 2021 through 2022 school year starts Tuesday, April 19. The tribe is still at Covid risk level Yellow. All Covid protocols are still in place. Please remind your children to follow all rules on buses and at school to keep them, their peers, and the entire community safe. Friday is National Jelly Bean Day. Eat jelly beans. Bring jelly beans to the principal. It is all about the jelly beans! Oh yeah. Earth Day is Friday, too. Finally, pray that our community becomes whole again. Ask that all that is lost becomes found. Stay safe.
over 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 33 Jelly beans
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 32 of the 2021 through 2022 school year begins tomorrow, Monday, April 11. It will be a three-and-a-half-day week due to the Easter Holiday. Students and staff will be done at 1:00 PM on Thursday, April 14. The boy’s A-Team basketball tournament will start Monday, and the Rumble Boys will play at 12:00PM at Pine Ridge Middle School Gym. The district administration will monitor the weather and will post school reaches as necessary if it changes for the worst. All Covid protocols are still in effect. Please remind all students to follow rules on buses and at school to keep them and their peers and families safe from Covid. Have a great night!
over 2 years ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 32