Monday: Regular day. High levels of student learning! Tuesday: Regular day. Wednesday: Regular day Thursday: Regular day. Friday: Regular day. Half day for students. Feeding South Dakota mobile food pantry at Red Shirt School from 12:30 to 1:30 PM.
8 months ago, Brian O'Connor
Boys Basketball begins
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, August 28 is the start of Week 2 of the 2023-24 school-year. This will be a week with two early dismissals. Thursday will have an early dismissal for the Open House. This event will run from 4pm to 7:45PM with a meal starting at 5PM. Please do not bring children. This is a time to go over the new policies and procedures for the new year. Parents will be responsible for monitoring any children brought to Open House. Friday will have an early dismissal for staff development. Instructional staff will be working to ensure high levels of learning for your children. Also remember, Monday, September 4 is Labor Day. It will be a 3 and one half day week after this week. Finally, the mobile pantry from Feeding South Dakota will be at Red Shirt School on Friday, September 1, 2023 from 12:30PM until 1:30PM. Please come and see what they have to offer. Have a great night.
about 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Week 2
Greetings Red Shirt students, families and staff. August 21, 2023, that is tomorrow, starts Week 1 of the 2023 through 24 school year. Buses will be running at regular times. Remember, all required documents must be in the school files before students can attend school. For previously enrolled students, that means only a few yearly signed documents. For new students, that means all those documents plus records releases, immunization papers, birth certificate, enrollment numbers, and more. Please speak to Mary Belt for more information. Eight A.M. is breakfast, and students start learning at 8:30. Please make sure your students get to bed early tonight. Finally, rules are important for the safety and optimal learning environment for all children. Make sure you tell your students to follow the rules on the bus and in school, treat everyone like dear family, and respect their elders. It will be a very good year if those three things happen every day. Have a great night.
about 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Back to School
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 36 of the 2022 through 23 school year starts tomorrow, May 15. It is the last week of school for students. Nothing much going on. Well, there is a field trip for the seventh and eighth grade on Tuesday. Oh, and a trip to Reptile Gardens for the kindergarten and first grade students who read 100 books this quarter on Wednesday. Oh wait, there is the Red Shirt Field Day on Thursday. And, there is a feather tying for the eighth grade continuers and their immediate family that evening. I think that I might be missing something. I just can’t remember. Something about a continuation ceremony on May nineteenth, maybe. Yeah. Kindergarten and eighth grade Continuation ceremony starts at 10:30AM on Friday at the Red Shirt Football field. Families of any continuing students are encouraged to bring cakes for their students, and everyone is encouraged to bring a potluck salad dish. Yes, that is right, the World’s Longest Salad bar is back. Reminders will go out each night to bring a dish, so no one has an excuse to miss out. Students, remember, even though this is the last week of school, behavior in class, on the bus, and on field trips is the most important thing in the world. It would not be good to miss any part of this week when all it takes to participate is good behavior. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 35 starts tomorrow, May seventh. Monday through Wednesday will be regular days. Thursday will be a regular day with concessions at 2:30PM. Friday will be a regular day for most, but grades 2 through 6 will have a behavior incentive field trip to Get Air. Students already know, for the most part, who is going and who is not. Remember, though, there are 4 days before the trip. Do not misbehave. Following all rules, listening to all staff, and doing one’s work is the best way to get ahead in school. Have a good night, get lots of sleep, and get on the bus tomorrow. Have a good night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Tomorrow is the first of May and the beginning of Week 34 of the 2022 through 23 school year. Make-up tests for South Dakota Assessments will be on Monday and Tuesday. We will come to your house to get you if you are absent and have tests to complete. Monday is Give Your Teacher a Compliment Day. Tuesday is Volunteer to Clean the Classroom Day, Wednesday is Absolutely No Behavior Infractions Day. Thursday is Be on Your Best Behavior Day. Friday is the Shrine Circus for those meeting behavioral expectations. Remember, school does not end until May 19, so attendance and good behavior are still expected by school staff. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 33 of the 2022 through 23 school year starts tomorrow, April 24. It will be a regular week with seventh and eighth grades taking the South Dakota Assessments. They need to get to bed early and get on the bus. On Wednesday, the fifth through eighth grade will go to Crazy Horse for a trip. Thursday will be a root beer float sale for the eighth fund raising. Friday will be a full day for students. It is also tell-your-teacher-you-love-them day. That and following all school and bus rules will ensure that the learning environment will be at its most effective. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, April 17 starts week 32 of the 2022-2023 school year. This will be a regular week. Wednesday, students will be released at 1:00PM and parent/teacher conferences will convene from 4 PM to 7:45PM. Tuesday, the community is welcome to come in and purchase ice coffee or Italian soda to help the 8th grade class raise money for their continuation ceremony and trip. Tuesday and Thursday will see some grades taking their South Dakota assessments. Make sure students get adequate sleep at home. There are 25 days of school left for students. For all students, behavior and attendance will make the difference between spending all 25 days at school or being able to go on some field trips. Make sure to tell your children to follow all school and bus rules, and that they come to school every day, in order to participate. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 31 of the 2022 through 23 school year begins tomorrow, Tuesday April 11. There will be dance club practice on Tuesday and hand games practice on Thursday after school. Students must bring back all devices tomorrow. Also, the end of the year field trips are fast approaching, so students need to be in school and following all school rules. Finally, classes will be starting NWEA and South Dakota Assessments testing. This will be going from now through the first two weeks of May. All the more reason for students to be in school and following all rules. Students will need to be rested and ready. Be listening for more school reaches for continuing updates on events. Have a great day.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, March 27 starts Week 29 of the 2022 through 23 school year. It will be a regular week of school at Red Shirt School this week. Here are some things happening at school on this regular week. Monday: Boy’s Gym after school Tuesday: Dance Club Practice Wednesday: Regular day Thursday: Concessions from 2 to 2:30PM; Hand Games practice after school. Friday: Full Day Friday for students: Ogle' Luta Owayawa Omaka Teca Wacipi moved to Apr 21, 2023. Remember, participation in field trips will be based on attendance, behavior, and academic progress made. Students must follow all school rules on the bus and during the day. School starts at 8:30AM. Students must be in-building between 8 AM and 8:29 AM. Ogle' Luta Owayawa has the best students in the world. We know and expect punctuality, good behavior, and good work from every one of them. Have a great afternoon and evening.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Tomorrow, March 20, begins the twenty-eighth week of school year 2022 through 23 and the first day of the last quarter of school this year. Our last parent/teacher conference of the year will be on April 29, but you are encouraged to check on your student’s progress earlier than that. Call, text, or email your student’s teacher to find out what is coming up, if there are any concerns, and how you may assist in your child’s learning experience. Good behavior and high levels of learning will be expected of all students in the last part of the year. Field trips are being scheduled as we speak. Participation of students on some of these trips will be dependent exclusively on following all school and bus rules. Participation in other trips will depend upon how much effort and time students dedicate to their academic growth. Attendance, following school rules, and learning a lot will be important for all students this last quarter! Encourage your children to do their best! Pay attention to school announcements and school reaches for dates of the Spring Festival and Red Shirt School’s Kindergarten and eighth grade continuation ceremonies. There will be open gym for boys on Monday, for girls on Wednesday, and hand games practice on Thursday of this week. Finally, we have the best students in the world at Red Shirt, and they will be expected to demonstrate just how great they are every day. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. March 13 is the start of Week 27 of the 2022 through 23 school year. It will be a regular week with a full day for students on Friday. Students, make sure to go to bed early, follow all school and bus rules, and learn as much as you can. Have a great night!
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Wednesday, March 6 is the start to week 26 of the 2022-23 school year. Please make sure your student or students get to bed early, get on the bus, and follow all school rules. Following the school rules ensures all students have a safe, effective, and fun educational experience. This will be a regular week with a half-day for students on Friday. There will be concessions at 2:30PM on Wednesday to support the 8th grade continuers for their trip and ceremonies. Have a great night!
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 24 is going to be a weather event week. There will be no school Monday for President’s Day. Tuesday we are hoping we can have a full day of school, but it will depend on how fast the weather moves into the area. From then until Friday, we will be watching the winter storm system and will let everyone know what the school status is. No after school activities will be planned due to the weather. Please make sure you have all the stuff you need before the weather moves in for the week. There seems to be at least 48 hours to prepare. Have a great night, a great President’s Day, and we will see all students on Tuesday ready to follow the rules and learn a week’s worth of material in a day. Just kidding. They will learn a lot, though.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. If your team is winning, great! If your team isn’t doing so well, don’t worry, Week 23 of the 2022-23 school-year starts at Red Shirt School tomorrow! Life is good! It will be a regular week with a full day Friday for students. Girls will have Volleyball on Tuesday, basketball on Wednesday, and the Hand games team will have practice on Thursday after school. Please make sure your children get on the bus in the morning, follow all the rules at school and on the bus, and learn a lot. Remember, rules keep people safe and make learning very easy and enjoyable. Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all family! Have a great night!
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 22 starts tomorrow, Monday, February 6. It will be a regular week with a half day on Friday for all students. There will be Dance Club practice on Tuesday, February 7. Thank you, families, for making the pizza sale a huge success. Since many students did not get the opportunity to buy pizza last Friday, there will be a Pizza by the Slice sale sometime this week. There will be a school reach with more information. Please, make sure all kids get to bed early, get on the bus, and follow all school and bus rules. Let them know that following the rules makes for a very good and easy day. Have a great night!
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. This is the start of Week 21 of the 2022 through 23 school year. We will start the week off with no school Monday due to hazardous roads and extreme wind chills. The rest of the academic week will be a regular week. There will be a bake sale for students on Thursday, February 2. There will be a pizza sale in the Red Shirt commons on Friday, February 3 from 2 PM to 4PM. Just call the school, ask for the kitchen, order your pizza, and pick it up at a reasonable price to help the 8th grade graduation fund. Saturday, February 4, in the Red Shirt School commons as well, there will be Prize Bingo! Games start at 4:00PM and will continue until prizes are all won. Please come and support the 8th grade graduation fund. Have a safe and warm night and make sure your students are in bed early Monday night to be ready for school on Tuesday. Also remind your children that following school and bus rules makes school life really easy and safe.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Tomorrow begins Week 20 of the 2022 through 23 school year. It will be a regular week but for Wednesday, January 25. Students will be released at 1:00PM Wednesday to allow staff to prepare for Parent/Teacher conferences. Conferences will run from 4:00 until 7:45PM. Come and eat with the staff from 5:30 to 6:30PM. Keep watching for these school reach messages. There will be some calendar changes due to all the inclement weather we have had. There may even be more inclement weather in the future. In the meantime, tell all children to follow the school rules. It cannot be emphasized enough that students who follow school and bus rules work in a safer environment and will have a much better time learning. Have a great night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Happy M. L. K. Day, Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Week 19 of the 2022 through 23 school-year is going to start with a two hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17 due to the wet roads and falling temperatures. The rest of the week will be a regular week. Get all students to bed early, tell them to follow all school and bus rules, and they will have safe and fun learning all the time. Have a warm and safe night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor
Greetings Red Shirt students, families, and staff. Monday, January 9 is the start to Week 18 of the 2022-23 school-year and the last week of the first full semester. It will be a regular week for students with full days Monday through Thursday and the half-day on Friday. Attendance and following school rules are two things that have a huge effect on student performance. Students cannot learn if they are not there, and learning is interrupted for all when even one student breaks the rules. So, students, get to school and listen to all staff. If you do those two things, you will have a perfect day. Finally, take some time and give thoughts and prayers to all who have recently lost loved ones. Please have a warm and safe night.
over 1 year ago, Brian O'Connor