First, you must complete the appropriate application materials, which can be found by clicking the link below labeled "click Here". The Handbook for the OLCVHS can also be downloaded and printed. A checklist is provided on page two of the application as well as an initial checklist on the front of the VHS application.

Second, submit your application materials to the site coordinator at your local Oglala Lakota County School:

  • Batesland: Melita Stover-Janis (605) 646-9336; (605) 454-4205Fax (605)288-1813

  • Red Shirt: Melvin Sierra (605) 255-5387 or (605) 646-9345

  • Rockyford: Janet Whiting (605) 646-9347 and Cell (605) 441-9293 Carolyn Tail (605) 646-9346 Cell#(605)685-3461; Fax(605)455-2496

  • Wolf Creek/LTHS: Derek Lefthand (605) 646-9222 Cell (605) 441-9221 and Josey Eagle Bull Cell (605) 407-0447 Office (605) 646-9221

Once the Virtual High School has received your application and determined that you are eligible for online coursework, they will ask you to complete a pre-assessment.

The VHS Coordinator will develop a schedule that meets state graduation requirements and enroll in the right online classes.

VHS Handbook Click Here

Open Enrollment Form Click Here - Students residing outside School District boundaries need to fill in and submit this form to the registrar.

New Enrollment Application SY 24-25 Click Here

Click Here For Returning Students 24-25 School Year

Eligibility - Students are required to be in good standing with the transferring High School.

VHS Brochure for You